However I prefer just walking a street lined with trees and having drinks or chatting with friends. I feel it's more respectful to Trees.
So watch out people!
By the way, I often ask people which sex they think of the trees. They all say that cherry trees are females. However I think it's opposite.
Artful Sakura @ some shop
自由が丘、Sweets Forestの桜
All I want to say is I live on the other side of the world...I love your pictures...I want nothing more than to see more... because I am a humble gentle soul who just wants to know and communicate with those who live in Japan.
Great Pictures. I love that they are BIG so I can see the detail. Keep them coming please. Thank you.
I have never deleted anyone's comments here. Same as the first message from someone.
Why people would think that I need to do it?
I am glad to hear that. I somehow had the idea you had deleted one of my comments which made me sad. I really like your blog. Love the pictures [I know, I've said that before!
I feel much better
I appreciate that : )