His expressions are soooo good that I can't help making a note while I'm reading.
His descriptions are amazing.
I read the book on the commuting train and if there's any line that I am impressed, I take out my mobile and text it to my PC e-mail.
Thus, I'm busy on the train, especially my commuting hour has been shorted since I moved.
I miss long time train trip a bit.
My neighbourhood photos.
No I don't use Twitter.
I remember you read some Japanese, correct?
I just looked for the notes that I sent to my PC mail recently which are following..
Maybe we can work on some quotes from books that we are impressed and make them bilingual.
I have read all his books now. I still like the Wind Up Bird Chronicles and Dance Dance Dance the best. Of course too Norwegian Wood.
Most now I have read twice I like him so much
Do you read in English?
I wonder if the translations are good.
No I don't read his books in English.
(I had two, Dance x 3 and NW, because I liked Japanese ones but didn't finish them.)
I've heard that the translator for books of Haruki Murakami is good.
I have read Chronicles, too.
Um, I would say my favorites are Norwegian Wood and Kafka on the Seashore.
on your bottom picture what is the netting on the building on the right?
is there construction going on there or is it something else?
I guess they have been renovating.
There are many old buildings around this area. You'll find it later!