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Showing posts from April, 2009


Milonga is a place where people dance Tango. I've been doing Yoga and Belly dancing so far and never had the idea of trying social dancing. Why? I don't know but those two are more spiritual stuff to me. I do Yoga & belly dance to maintain a balance of mind and body so that I can maximize possibilities. I become more peaceful and tolerant by doing them and it can bring back all good results to me. I went to this Milonga, it was because I was just curious what other people were doing on Friday nights. I was drinking a glass of wine and watching people dancing Tango. To make me surprised, there were about 30 people (They said it was small attendance compare to usual Friday nights as it seemed people attended their company events.) and the ratio of men and women is half and half. I thought it could be more female world. My friend says that when it comes to dancing woman has more choices than man such as belly dancing, and it is more popular than social dancing. But man doesn...

Souffle & wine

Happy Friday!    Souffle shop in Hiroo Somehow my 30 minutes writing here had all gone! Thus pictures only today *weep* -Japanese- 金曜日ですね! どう言うわけか30分は費やした文章が全部消えてしまいました。 なので今回は写真だけです;; My 30 minutes past view

Oh Japanese..

I've been reading Hard boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami lately. His expressions are soooo good that I can't help making a note while I'm reading. His descriptions are amazing. I read the book on the commuting train and if there's any line that I am impressed, I take out my mobile and text it to my PC e-mail. Thus, I'm busy on the train, especially my commuting hour has been shorted since I moved. I miss long time train trip a bit. My neighbourhood photos. -Japanese- 今村上春樹の『世界の終わりとハードボイルドワンダーランド』を読んでいます。 彼の表現力は素晴らしくてついついメモをとってしまいます。 彼の本は評価が好きな人は大好き、良さが分からない、と分かれますが 私は彼の表現に感動する事が多いです。 通勤電車の中で読んでいて、素敵だ、と思うラインがあると 携帯を取り出し自分のパソコンにメールをしてしまいます。 なので電車でとっても忙しい・・。 引っ越して通勤時間が短くなってしまったので 以前のような長い通勤時間も懐かしい気がします。

Sakura Scene 2009

The perfect timing of Cherry blossoms in Tokyo in this year was last week. People sit down underneath trees and enjoy having food or drinks as the first picture of blue sheets. However I prefer just walking a street lined with trees and having drinks or chatting with friends. I feel it's more respectful to Trees. They have gone through sweltering summer and chilly winter to show the beautiful blooms to us. And I have heard that the roots are vulnerable so that they can be easily damaged. So watch out people! By the way, I often ask people which sex they think of the trees. They all say that cherry trees are females. However I think it's opposite. - Japanese - 今年の東京のお花見のシーズンは先週でした。 青いシートが写っている写真のように桜の木の下に座り食べたり飲んだりして花を楽しみます。 でも私は桜の木の下を飲み物片手に、もしくは友達とおしゃべりしながら散歩する方が好きです。 その方がうだるような夏と凍てつくような冬をたった数日間私たちを楽しませてくれるために咲いてくれる桜の木に対して敬意をあらわしていると思うから。 それに桜の木の根は傷みやすいと聞いたことがあるので。 気をつけてあげてくださいね。 ところで私は人によく ’桜の木は男だと思う?それとも女だと思う?’ と質問します。 たいていみんな女だというのですが、私は反対だと思っています。 いかがでしょうか^^ Artful Sakura ...