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Showing posts from 2008

Some Shrines

I really had a busy December. Work was busy, one of my friend visited Japan from overseas, and my bellydance class had a show at Roppongi for its students……But all hectic days are gone now and I’m having relaxed holiday at home here in Okayama. I’ve got some pictures but didn’t have time for writing! So I’ll post as much as I can during the holiday.. Kibitsu Shrine (Okayama) Kibitsu Shrine (Okayama) Today I went to Kibitsu Shrine with my mother and had a coffee and snacks in the precincts. In Shinto religion, we have thousands of variety gods in every where, even in a toilet. But I first time knew that there was a god of the moment. We are going to see off the god of 2008, and welcoming the god of 2009. That’s the reason we go to Shrine in the beginning of the year. Togakushi Shrine (Nagano) It's very sacred mountain that has five shrines.. It was snowing in the top of mountain in end of November. This is my recommendation to visit if you have chance. It has a lot of power as well ...

A pair of Buddhas

I got this pottery figurine of Buddha from a friend of mine, which are a pair of Buddhas that he had owned for himself. He gave one of them to me as a gift recently. And I like this very much, but at the same time, I worry to have this in my room as I'm a bit superstition person. Usually human figure is no good, especially if someone owned it once, you shouldn't take over it. Because it contains previous person's fortunes etc. I consulted my fortuneteller, she suggested I should definitely throw it away when I move out from current place. So I'm thinking of telling this to my friend who gave me that Buddha honestly, because it's a pair thing. But I'm concern if it sounds offensive to him. Because I really appreciate that gift. If possible I want to own it for long time. I don't know how much you are religious, but what is the best option? 1) Hold the Buddha without caring. 2) Tell him what I told here and consult whether I throw it away or give it back to hi...


Quit a job, leave someone, and throw something away. To a girl like me, abandoning something was almost instinctive, as easy as the flip of a hand. Drift from one goal to another, push oneself to the limit, and keep moving. ( Shanghai Baby) It's always easier to leave than being left. However it can't be avoidable for people who lives in the city, city like Tokyo . I have seen off many friends departures in the past few years, in fact I was one of them once before. I left my home, lived in another country, returned to Japan and lived in a different city and moved to Tokyo ... Ever since I drifted down to here, my emotions towards different countries have disappeared. I don't know if someone/something can change my mind. I guess that would be wonderful as well. Raccoon dog doll at some shop in Azabu Jyuban Vegetarian Sandwich at Ginza Laduree Saint Honore Pistache, beautiful!!


Photos today 今日の写真 Local Train Starbucks at Kurashiki Station Aesthetic area ( Kurashiki city, Okayama prefecture) Ohara gallery Drawing portraits on the street Crews with classical costume

Secret Crush

This is comic book and the hero is real historical person, names Prince Shotoku . The story setting is that he possessed psychic power and fell in love with a man.   I know how it sounds like. However it has a lot of tastes of painful feelings that I can empathize. And I also like this author focused on a lot of spiritual things such as yen and yan . It's not really like magical, mystery power things, but it's more like actual existed but you don't see in your eyes things such as smell or temperature. Anyway, when you crush on somebody, you want to become close to that person and united in the end. This author described this as yen and yan . Hi izuru tokorono tenshi

Some song for the end of summer

'One more time, One more chance' by Masayoshi Yamazaki Roughly translated: What more losses I need to experience for releasing my heart? How much more pains I ought to have for meeting you again? Wherever, whenever I always look for you, even though I know you’re never there.

Buddha by Osamu Tezuka

Comic of Buddha written by Mr. Osamu Tezuka . Sariputta asks Ananda what Buddha teaches . He says, All suffering cause as the result of a reason, Buddha teaches us how to figure it out. All suffering can be stopped, Buddha teaches us how to do it. Ananda asks Moggallana who is able to read other's mind the past and the future that if he has a pleasure of life by seeing through all the futures. He says, No, it's not right, Ananda . The future I'm seeing right now is the result of current circumstances. Futures are changing all the time, it is like a whirl in the river. (Japanese) 手塚治虫さんのブッダより。 サーリプッタがアナンダにブッダの教えはどのようなものか問う。 アナンダは次のように答える。 「あらゆる苦しみはかならず原因から生まれる ブッダはそれらの原因を解き明かされる。 あらゆる苦しみはかならずとめることができる ブッダはそれらのとめる方法を解き明かされる。」 過去も未来も人の心も読めるモッガラーナにアナンダは問う。 「でもそんなに未来がわかってしまったら生きてても楽しみがなくなるでしょう?」 モッガラーナは言う 「いや、アナンダ、いま私に見える未来は今のままの未来です。 未来はまるで川のうずのように、どんどん変わっていくものです。」

Summer afternoon stroll in Okayama

Photos today 今日の写真 Hello Kitty Stamp, Tale of Genji version Momotaro manhole  Black Wooden Shop                          Citoroen,, it reminds me of my high school years (Some teacher had one) Lunch at Ryusa, 1050 yen! (approx. 9.6 US$)

Cat's Notion

I woke up at 7:00 and had a cup of coffee, fresh peach with yogurt, garlic & celery stir-fries and soy milk banana mixed juice this morning. My cat saw me doing Yoga, and he asked the other cat what I was doing. She goes, ‘She is trying to maintain peaceful mind by doing it.’ ‘Ugh, being human is such a trouble’ I asked the one who had an eye contact with me with staying dog pose, ‘Are you trying to say that you have achieved enlightenment?’ ‘What is that?’ ‘Well, in very simple terms, finding the way of living happy every day.’ They were shocked and replied in chorus. ‘How it can be so difficult?’ I became speechless and spoke to myself. Aha, they don’t need to be enlightened, because they don’t have ego!


The tears are not only of sorrow, we cry when the soul is touched, it could be by artistic objects sometimes. I also feel elated when I create something. This is necessary for all people. The moment that your soul meets your body, which brings us to higher sprits.

Renounce the world

Thanks for your message. I'm currently out of the office for summer vacation until 18 th August.... Twilight in the park at Hikifune . I got back to Okayama yesterday by ANA. I took the one departing at 7:45am from Tokyo, which means I had to start from home before 6:00am. That was not a problem as I've been waking up at 5:30 lately. Many healthy things I can do before going to work, such as taking a morning  Tai -Chi session at Roppongi Hills etc. Tai -Chi Session in Roppongi Hills. And the other good thing is that it keeps me spend healthy nights, as well. I would easily let my computer shut down at night when I want to wake up early in the next morning. It must be an essential skill to people who lives in the city by oneself . Otherwise you would be overwhelmed by the noxious fumes. At least me, yes, I need to control myself and take care of self-esteem. Anyw...

Love Tokyo

Tokyo is such a cool place to live. I had been wanting to live in abroad until I moved here. But I kind of fell in love with this city because of many reasons. Today, I read an article in News Week which was written by a French Journalist. He says the administrators of Tokyo or Japan are not good at appealing their city towards world. That's why Osaka was defeated by Beijing to Host the 2008 Olympic. Cafe broom & bloom @ Musashi Koganei Now Tokyo is bidding on hosting 2016 Olympic games with its rival Chicago, Madrid and Riode Janeiro . (Many people in Tokyo are not really interested in having the games, though.) The problem is not only our lack of appealing skills, but also the unpopularity of Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara by some countries such as France, China and Korea because of his controversial remarks in the past. Vegetarian Sandwich set Anywa...

Power Spot in Tokyo #1 Imperial Palace

There are places called 'Power Spot' where people feel energy, become comfortable or so on when they visit there. It is also called 'Spiritual Spot' or 'Healing Spot'. The famous ones in Japan are Mt. Fuji and Ise -Shrine, and in the world wide, there are Machu Picchu , Hawaiian island, etc. Tokyo has such places as well, the land itself has a power. So people tend to go there and hang around or even build up shrine or castle. Roppongi (the street in front of Almond) , Ginza ( Miyuki Street), Meiji Shrine, etc, etc. It depends upon the individual person how you feel from those places. You might feel just tiredness or nothing from some power spots. It's different for different people, the feeling might change from person to person. Anyway, it's often said that Imperial palace is #1 power spot in Tokyo. Luckily anyone can go there and even get a free-rental bike on Sundays! I walked back from the office to Tokyo Station yesterday which took about ...

Asian thoughts

At lunch time, I went out with my company friends, one is French who married an European woman and the other guy who’s from Singapore and is still single. Three of us are about the same age, those two guys are the same year born. The French guy asked the Singaporean if he was going to get marry and he wanted to have own kids. The Asian guy answered “Not in this life”. It’s not surprising to me, I know many guys who have the   same idea, but I liked the way of he talks, “Not in this life” it was said as if there was another life time from the same person, which is called reincarnation, very Buddhism, and very Asian. It was the coolest answer to this kind of question, don't you think? 1974 produced wine at some weekend home party. Japanese お昼に会社の同僚、一人はフランス人でもう一人はシンガポール人と3人でランチに行ったときの事。 フランス人はヨーロッパ人の奥さんが居て、シンガポール人はまだ独身です。 3人とも同じぐらいの年で、彼たちは同じ年です。 フランス人がシンガポール人に「結婚しないの?自分の子供はほしくないの?」 と聞いたら彼は「現世ではない。」と返事。 同じような意見を持っている男の人はたくさん居るので別に驚いたりしないけど、 返事の仕方が洒落てる。「現世ではない。」と言う事は来世を信じている...

Teresa Teng (鄧 麗君) 

A famous Taiwanese singer who boomed in Japan during 70'-early '90. She released many Japanese songs and awarded the several prizes as well. I love her round face, sweet voice and attitude towards politics, though she passed away on May 8, 1995 at the age of 42 due to a severe asthma attack in Thailand. Seeing the video, I feel missing her so much! Since I have been studying Chinese lately, I decided to memorize one of her best songs in Chinese... Japanese title : 時の流れに身をまかせ Chinese title: 我只在乎你

Korean @ Nishi Azabu

I organise an event called 'Girl's Night' once in a while. It's just dining out with female friends. The reason I started this was because women love food. Guys really don't care what they eat, as long as they can drink. We catch up each other when we meet up. My friend who visited in Tokyo from Osaka for a business trip joined some times ago and she called it ' Sex in the city' ! In a way, yes it is:D We had dinner at Korean restaurant called ' Sonamu ' in Roppongi Area, they were on TV the day before. Good food and pleasant staff. I tried to speak some simple Korean language to the waiter. 'Brother' is ' Oppa ' in Korean, so I called out ' Oppa !' when we need him. It's easy to remember and funny too. And we agreed that the friendly waiter was cute in a way. I should have taken his picture, sorry! Korean food have many beef and pork menu. In secret, I don't eat meat so I was kind of hungry until the last though, hah...

Casual french @ Gokokuji

There are 7-8 tables, man decorated premises but cozy casual french restaurant. What we amazed there was that only one guy worked in the store. He cooks, serves, does everything by himself with a pleasant smile which impressed me a lot. You have two choices between eight entrees. I had a piece of crab quiche and grilled fish, they ca ll it 'Poele'? At the end we ordered assorted dessert selections which includes all kinds sweets on the menu! (Japanese) テーブルが7つか8つ、男の人が装飾したような店内、こじんまりとしたカジュアルなフレンチのお店。 驚くことに、男の人がたった一人で切り盛りしていました。 料理を作り、お客さんに出す、全部一人でまわしてました、しかも笑顔で。 8つのメニューから前菜とメインを選べるので、私はズワイガニのキッシュと鯛のポワレをいただきました。 そして最後はデザートの盛り合わせ。なんとスイーツ全種類!


I LOVE muffins! I used to have them often when I was in Vancouver. It is one of typical western foods for me. It had been not easy to find good muffins in Japan but only Tokyo could make it possible! Ben's cafe @ Takadano - baba I stopped by Muffinaris in Shinjyuku Mitsukoshi ALCOTT on the way home from Jyunkudo which is a big book shop in Shinjyuku . I bought a blueberry crumble muffin, the dough is so tasty and blue berries are so juicy! They also have vegetable muffins such as onion & salmon etc, which I never tried before. I prefer non sweet drink but for muffins, hum... (Japanese) 今日新宿三越アルコットのマフィナリーズと言うマフィンのお店で ブルーベリークランブルと言うのを食べました。 生地もおいしいし、底にごろごろジューシーなベリーが入ってて素敵でした。 他にも野菜系のマフィンなどユニークな種類がたくさんありました。 近くに行かれる事があれば是非試してみてください!

English and Japanese brains

Someone asked me if I would think Japanese first then translate it into English in my head when I was speaking in English. I wasn't sure either way, didn't care about it. But slightly I'm getting realise that I have built an English brain space besides Japanese one. It's not very big or capable as you know. Kichijoji (吉祥寺) In fact, the reason I write English post first here is that it's much easier and faster to think in English first then translate them into Japanese(my mother language). I can't do it in reverse. Of course the biggest reason is that there would be massive vocabularies and expressions in a native language though. I would prefer sticking with English when I need to speak otherwise I become speechless. Inogashira Park(井の頭公園)  I met a recruiting agent people during the past week.        He is Japanese but speaks very fluent English as the company have many foreign staff as well as costumers.   That was first time to meet him in person after we...

Spring Storm 春の嵐

My mother sent me a text message last night, which said "You should go home earlier as it is going to be heavy rain". She was right, we had a spring storm all day long. Many people said that they broke umbrellas this morning. By the way, Japan is the largest consumer of umbrellas in the world. Someone said he had seen 13 broken umbrellas were in a trash can at the station on the way to work. He counted them with a sense of amusement. (He should have taken a photo, though!) I don't like too much winds, but I love the word 'Spring Storm' somehow. (Japanese) 昨日の晩、母親が雨が強くふるから早く帰るように、と携帯にメールをしてきました。 その通りで昨日から激しく雨と風が続き、春の嵐でした。 みんな傘が折れたという話をしていて、ある人は駅のゴミ箱に13本折れた傘が捨ててあった のを見たと話てました。(ぜひ写真を撮ってほしかった^ ^) 風が強いのは好きじゃないけど、 ’春の嵐’と言う言葉はなぜか惹かれるものがあります。 ところで、今日帰りの電車で三島由紀夫の’永すぎた春’を若い女の子が読んでました。 そちらもなんだか感慨深かったです。

Lost in Translation

There are frequent questions for foreigners who visit in Japan such as 'Can you use chopsticks?' or 'Do you eat Natto ?'. And relatively one of the latest might be 'Have you ever watched Lost in Translation?'. And interesting thing is that people who are familiar with Japan well or live in this country for a long time didn't really like that movie. (Including me) I was asked by my friend why, I replied that Sofia Coppola emphasized strange things of Japanese a little bit too much. The Japanese hooker didn't have to be that old woman with such degrading English. The director must have intended it to compare to the heroine who was young and a white beautiful girl. By the way, I and my other friend went to the bar at Park Hyatto in Shinjyku to experience Lost In Translation in last January. The hotel was splendid. All these three picture were being taken by her camera.