The famous ones in Japan are Mt. Fuji and Ise-Shrine, and in the world wide, there are Machu Picchu, Hawaiian island, etc.
Tokyo has such places as well, the land itself has a power.
So people tend to go there and hang around or even build up shrine or castle.
Roppongi (the street in front of Almond) , Ginza (Miyuki Street), Meiji Shrine, etc, etc.
It depends upon the individual person how you feel from those places.
You might feel just tiredness or nothing from some power spots.
It's different for different people, the feeling might change from person to person.
Anyway, it's often said that Imperial palace is #1 power spot in Tokyo.
Luckily anyone can go there and even get a free-rental bike on Sundays!
I walked back from the office to Tokyo Station yesterday which took about 30 minutes.
I became energetic when I arrived around Imperial Palace for sure!
(The picture was taken by my mobile that's why it's small.)
またの名を『スピリチュアルスポット』とか『ヒーリングスポット』とか呼んだりします。日本で有名なのは富士山とか伊勢神宮、世界的にはマユピチュとかハ ワイとかが有名とのことです。 東京にもそんな場所があって、土地自体に力があるのですが、人々がそこを訪れたりブラブラしたり、また神社やお城を建てて しまうような場所です。