Like Fuji-san is Mt. Fuji, Yuga-san is Mt. Yuga.
Sometimes it's pronounced 'Yama' or 'Zan' with the same use however they are rare for high mountains.
It's 'Shinbutsu Konko' mountain which means 'fusion of Kami(Shinto) and buddhas'.
Shinto is older than Buddhism here and it took root in ancient Japanese people and its culture.
Interesting things is that Shrines are built under the path of the sun.
Since spirituality has been popular among young Japanese women today,
naturally they take interests in visiting Temples or Shrines.
They are a little different from other visitor who are mostly old generations,
They look for the sense of sacred area in Shrines.
I like this consciousness very much.
Thanks for the comments.
Those photos are taken by my Sony Cyber Shot as usual.
I'll post some photos taken by i phone.
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