Somehow it feels refreshing at the end of the year in Japan. Ever office, shop and people take a holiday and spend time with families. All houses are get ready to welcome a new year god to the houses by cleaning them up. And people buy groceries at the super markets like hibernating throughout winter.
I bought a lot of books on Kindle.
They have gotten more collections these days than they used to be.
I read Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens on Christmas, admired Fred that he is always cheerful and never been untruth to Scrooge.
Tree lights at Roppongi
BB-8 is our new hero
I watched Star wars episode VII on the Christmas too.
Just baked cake in the oven
A packages of rice cake stuffed with bean jam
One thing good about getting age is to appreciate how beautiful nature of a spirit of service is.
Moreover we can turn inwards and examine ourselves.