This afternoon, I saw a strange shaped clouds.
So I took a picture, wondering if they were earthquake clouds.
I thought that the Sun halo I saw the last weekend may have been precursors of earthquakes.
There was also talk of a nuclear accident in Fukushima prefecture where was about 300 km away from Tokyo. I was advised to be ready for escape in case of the nuclear accident.
Small shaking have been continuing, many shops were closed, no food at supermarkets or convenience stores.
I have been checking the flash news all the time, all plans were canceled.
The Chain mail of the hoax of the disaster came today.
I thought it was very silly.
It's been difficult to make calls or texts because the system gets overloaded after the quakes.
I feel it was unusual day.
It seemed everyone was a little confused. I felt a little stressed, too.
So I pick up an Oracle card and it 'compassion'.
I should forgive others including myself.
TV repeat the shocking news.
If you think of us, please don't increase the anxious feelings but pray with compassion.
I appreciate that you care for us.
Thank you very much.
So I took a picture, wondering if they were earthquake clouds.
I thought that the Sun halo I saw the last weekend may have been precursors of earthquakes.
There was also talk of a nuclear accident in Fukushima prefecture where was about 300 km away from Tokyo. I was advised to be ready for escape in case of the nuclear accident.
Small shaking have been continuing, many shops were closed, no food at supermarkets or convenience stores.
I have been checking the flash news all the time, all plans were canceled.
The Chain mail of the hoax of the disaster came today.
I thought it was very silly.
It's been difficult to make calls or texts because the system gets overloaded after the quakes.
I feel it was unusual day.
It seemed everyone was a little confused. I felt a little stressed, too.
So I pick up an Oracle card and it 'compassion'.
I should forgive others including myself.
TV repeat the shocking news.
If you think of us, please don't increase the anxious feelings but pray with compassion.
I appreciate that you care for us.
Thank you very much.
It's been modified intensity 9 now.
I have learned how grounding is important to people, otherwise we lose stability .