If you speak out positive thing, it could be real, and if you speak out negative thing,
it would a trigger.
You'll see the mirror at Shinto Shrine sometimes,
When you don't feel great, look at the mirror saying positive things and cheer yourself up.
These things reminds me of some self-development books, many of which are from the US.
It will cultivate your subconscious awareness, which is stronger than consciousness.
In the end, subconscious awareness steer your life not consciousness.
And the fact that things appeared individuals are actually connected each others.
Traditions from ancient times are not always ungrounded,
but it's just because that scientific explanations are not there yet.
And if I imagine so, I admire ancient people and realize that something deep inside of me is smiling.
it would a trigger.
You'll see the mirror at Shinto Shrine sometimes,
When you don't feel great, look at the mirror saying positive things and cheer yourself up.
These things reminds me of some self-development books, many of which are from the US.
It will cultivate your subconscious awareness, which is stronger than consciousness.
In the end, subconscious awareness steer your life not consciousness.
And the fact that things appeared individuals are actually connected each others.
Traditions from ancient times are not always ungrounded,
but it's just because that scientific explanations are not there yet.
And if I imagine so, I admire ancient people and realize that something deep inside of me is smiling.