It's already middle of November.
The hottest place now is the park!
The hottest place now is the park!
I went jogging on yesterday morning when the rain stopped,
it was wonderful weather today.
My mother sent me the photo and said
' The phoenix dropped in our garden'
Can you see it?
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
It is Albert Einstein philosophy.
By the way, I'm reading 'Phoenix' which is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka.
It's so called synchronicity.For example, when you think of someone, he/she gets in touch with you.
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. (by Wikipedia)
Isn't it romantic??
I recommend you to go the park to brush up your sensibility.
yes I see your phoenix.
I like the park picture so much I may use it for awhile as a desktop picture on one of my 5 computers ok?
Sure, I'm glad that you liked the photos.
Actually, I wouldn't mind if others take pictures from my web.
I'm not a professional, so.
5 computers?
I have 3 in the garage, one in the the family room and my two daughters each have one.
I just finished Sujata Massey's book the Floating Girl which was about manga. Have you ever read her?