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Showing posts from August, 2008


Photos today 今日の写真 Local Train Starbucks at Kurashiki Station Aesthetic area ( Kurashiki city, Okayama prefecture) Ohara gallery Drawing portraits on the street Crews with classical costume

Secret Crush

This is comic book and the hero is real historical person, names Prince Shotoku . The story setting is that he possessed psychic power and fell in love with a man.   I know how it sounds like. However it has a lot of tastes of painful feelings that I can empathize. And I also like this author focused on a lot of spiritual things such as yen and yan . It's not really like magical, mystery power things, but it's more like actual existed but you don't see in your eyes things such as smell or temperature. Anyway, when you crush on somebody, you want to become close to that person and united in the end. This author described this as yen and yan . Hi izuru tokorono tenshi

Some song for the end of summer

'One more time, One more chance' by Masayoshi Yamazaki Roughly translated: What more losses I need to experience for releasing my heart? How much more pains I ought to have for meeting you again? Wherever, whenever I always look for you, even though I know you’re never there.

Buddha by Osamu Tezuka

Comic of Buddha written by Mr. Osamu Tezuka . Sariputta asks Ananda what Buddha teaches . He says, All suffering cause as the result of a reason, Buddha teaches us how to figure it out. All suffering can be stopped, Buddha teaches us how to do it. Ananda asks Moggallana who is able to read other's mind the past and the future that if he has a pleasure of life by seeing through all the futures. He says, No, it's not right, Ananda . The future I'm seeing right now is the result of current circumstances. Futures are changing all the time, it is like a whirl in the river. (Japanese) 手塚治虫さんのブッダより。 サーリプッタがアナンダにブッダの教えはどのようなものか問う。 アナンダは次のように答える。 「あらゆる苦しみはかならず原因から生まれる ブッダはそれらの原因を解き明かされる。 あらゆる苦しみはかならずとめることができる ブッダはそれらのとめる方法を解き明かされる。」 過去も未来も人の心も読めるモッガラーナにアナンダは問う。 「でもそんなに未来がわかってしまったら生きてても楽しみがなくなるでしょう?」 モッガラーナは言う 「いや、アナンダ、いま私に見える未来は今のままの未来です。 未来はまるで川のうずのように、どんどん変わっていくものです。」

Summer afternoon stroll in Okayama

Photos today 今日の写真 Hello Kitty Stamp, Tale of Genji version Momotaro manhole  Black Wooden Shop                          Citoroen,, it reminds me of my high school years (Some teacher had one) Lunch at Ryusa, 1050 yen! (approx. 9.6 US$)

Cat's Notion

I woke up at 7:00 and had a cup of coffee, fresh peach with yogurt, garlic & celery stir-fries and soy milk banana mixed juice this morning. My cat saw me doing Yoga, and he asked the other cat what I was doing. She goes, ‘She is trying to maintain peaceful mind by doing it.’ ‘Ugh, being human is such a trouble’ I asked the one who had an eye contact with me with staying dog pose, ‘Are you trying to say that you have achieved enlightenment?’ ‘What is that?’ ‘Well, in very simple terms, finding the way of living happy every day.’ They were shocked and replied in chorus. ‘How it can be so difficult?’ I became speechless and spoke to myself. Aha, they don’t need to be enlightened, because they don’t have ego!


The tears are not only of sorrow, we cry when the soul is touched, it could be by artistic objects sometimes. I also feel elated when I create something. This is necessary for all people. The moment that your soul meets your body, which brings us to higher sprits.

Renounce the world

Thanks for your message. I'm currently out of the office for summer vacation until 18 th August.... Twilight in the park at Hikifune . I got back to Okayama yesterday by ANA. I took the one departing at 7:45am from Tokyo, which means I had to start from home before 6:00am. That was not a problem as I've been waking up at 5:30 lately. Many healthy things I can do before going to work, such as taking a morning  Tai -Chi session at Roppongi Hills etc. Tai -Chi Session in Roppongi Hills. And the other good thing is that it keeps me spend healthy nights, as well. I would easily let my computer shut down at night when I want to wake up early in the next morning. It must be an essential skill to people who lives in the city by oneself . Otherwise you would be overwhelmed by the noxious fumes. At least me, yes, I need to control myself and take care of self-esteem. Anyw...