I'd like to use some four-character idiomatic compounds Japanese as a title sometimes. Their English meanings are following. Today, I picked 因果応報 (In Ga Ou Hou) impulsively, Because it comes Buddhism spirit, I am desperate for inner contentment. My ideal of the daily life is to start with a cup of plain hot water in the morning, do Yoga and meditation, work then socialize or read and write in the afternoon then cook vegetarian meal for a supper and take a hot bath with pinch of salt and read in the bath tub and go to bed before 10 o'clock in the night. So far, I get only 50%, so compensation is required. Inga Ouhou means all facts are results of what you have done. It is a different from Karma, it is called 『業(Gou)』in Japanese. Karma is an action, what you do, say and think. Be careful, thinking is a part of them. Karma leads result, these happenings are called Inga Ouhou. And Karma is also carried over from past life or created f...