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Showing posts from June, 2009


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein I don't think I can live with pragmatic.. Buddha statues exhibition in Ueno . It was very crowded . I waited for 60 minutes before the entrance. Home made Pizza and AcquaPazza @ friend's house. @ Spiritual Cafe. Sweets set including 10 minutes Spiritual Counseling @ Cafe in Azabu Jyuban . I asked why I had been so busy, he answered that it was because I was in the middle of the completion, however I was behind . He continued that I had to speed up more and more to accomplish tasks in this life. -Japanese- 神秘的な体験はこの世でもっとも素晴らしい。それは芸術や科学の源である。もし神秘的なものに疎く、不思議に思う気持ちを持たなかったり崇めたりしないなら、それは死んでいるも同然だ。  アインシュタイン 強く同感。 上野の「阿修羅展」を観てきました。 一度金曜の午後に行き、あまりの人の多さに断念。 ...

More than 90%

It'll be a full moon in a couple days. When you see a beautiful moon how would you do? -Japanese- もう少しで満月です。 きれいな月を見た時、人は何を思うのでしょうね。

Wooden House

One of my friends has been taking Kimono lessons, so I visited her place to learn how to wear it a couple days ago. It's a beautiful suburban house uses a lot of Japanese cypress. It's on the hill, so you can look down those houses from the window. Also the opposite side is a Shrine, so you can see a sacred tree from the living room. How gorgeous is that. -Japanese- 着付けを教えてもらいに友達のお家にお邪魔してきました。 檜をふんだんに取り入れ た郊外にある素敵なお宅でした 。 丘の上にあるので窓からは家々が眺められ、 反対側は神社なのでリビングからご神木が拝見できます。 うらやましくなるようなお住まいでした。

A coffee of the day

Take a shower and go for walk. And find cats on the street.

Wickeln Notebook

Hightide /Wickeln/ Model No. CN059 My favorite notebook series. However it's no longer being produced.. Let me know if you see them at a shop. And let them know that there's someone who really loves it. -Japanese- ハイタイド・Wickeln・ Model No. CN059 大好きなノートシリーズです。 残念ながらもう生産していないそう。 もしお店で見かけたら教えてください。

Music from Murakami World

A variety of music titles appear in Haruki Murakami books. Story keeps going as if it is a common word. A song from 'Norwegian Wood'. For Christmas I bought Naoko a Henry Mancini record with a track of her favorite, "Dear Heart". I wrapped it myself and added a bright red ribbon. -Japanese- 村上春樹の本にはたくさん曲名が出てきて、 まるで誰でも知っている日常の単語のようにさらっと流してストーリーは続いていきます。 「ノルウェイの森」より クリスマスには僕は直子の大好きな「ディア・ハート」の入った ヘンリー・マンシーニのレコードを買ってプレゼントをした。 僕が自分で包装して赤いリボンをかけた。